Monday, August 16, 2010

I just got a ferret he is still a baby, idk how old for sure, but he bit me, and i was wondering why?

ok, so i just got a baby ferret his name is baku, and well, when i got him i knew i would be in for little nips and scratches like a puppy, but earlier, he woke me up to get out of his cage and play, so i got him out, i was trying to play with him how i usually do. just poke him here and there and make funny noises, cuz he usually likes it and hell jump around and very lightly hell bite me...well this time he started licking my hand, like he didnt wanna play...then after a while he started to bite my fingers softly, i thought he was trying to play or idk...not eat my hand until he bit me so hard....he bit me so hard, and he wouldnt let me go, even when i flicked him on the head, he actually started growling at me and he started to yank at my hand which yea, his teeth were already sunk in...and he was growling so loud it woke my boyfriend up, and he saw me trying to get him off and the only way we got him off was by shoving his mouth open off of bf is now pissed and wants to get rid of him. and well, honestly i cant blame him...but at the same time i know i can work thru this i just need to know why my ferret bit me, and what i can do to prevent that from happening again, and what are some good training exercises i can use to teach him whats wrong and right...i thought the flick on the nose and back in your cage technique worked but seems i got a devil whos a hard head.I just got a ferret he is still a baby, idk how old for sure, but he bit me, and i was wondering why?
you should never let an animal even softly bite you. you need to make strict boundaries for them, he may have been biting you as a territorial kind of thing. stop letting him bite you. its not affection. and then you'll avoid the confusion of nearly having your finger bitten off?I just got a ferret he is still a baby, idk how old for sure, but he bit me, and i was wondering why?
Almost all untamed animals will bite to train their owners to leave them alone. It is only with constant handling that they realise that you are not a predator that is going to eat them and thus they will stop biting. As one of the people before me mentioned, if you don't have a care book on ferrets, now is the time to invest in one. You should also look at joining a ferret forum, these are very informative and if you have a problem, you can bet that others have had the problem before you.
He's only a baby, he requires training. You shouldn't allow even ';soft'; bites from ferrets as they inevitably turn into worse bites. You should NEVER flick a ferrets nose it makes them mad and can actually damage them. The best way is to hold them by the scruff of fur behind their neck, like this:鈥?/a>

and drag them across the floor, hissing. This mimics how mother ferret tells them off. You can also try spraying them with water but a lot of ferrets hate this.

I suggest you buy the book ';Ferrets for Dummies'; if you haven't already, its the ferret bible and has all sorts of good info and training techniques. Baby ferrets DO bite, they have to be trained out of it.
The two of you were obviously not ready for a ferret. They are all like that when they are young you have to teach them and flicking a ferret is a huge no-no. You should have done some reading first.

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