Saturday, August 21, 2010

How long can gonorrhea live in open air? How long does a cure take to work?

I know that with semen, HIV dies when it has been in open air for three seconds or more; and with blood, HIV is not transmittable once the blood dries. Whatabout for Gonnorhea? And how long do anti-biotics take before they start to work on the disease?How long can gonorrhea live in open air? How long does a cure take to work?
If it lives in the air, for a while, but not that long. Ask a doctor. A cure takes some time, but not that long. Ask a doctor.How long can gonorrhea live in open air? How long does a cure take to work?
I'm not sure on how long the gonorrhea can live on surfaces or things like that, but to treat it you take antibiotics. Usually, you take it for two weeks. I'm not a doctor so don't trust my answer. Also, I'm not sure if it would matter how long you have had the infection. Ask your doctor.

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